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In the land of a thousand mountains

Are you looking for stories, ideas and inspiration for your hiking vacation in the Schmallenberg and Esloher Sauerland? Then you've come to the right place. We have put together a few beautiful trails, special people and exciting experiences for you. A few people from the region and bloggers also have their say here and report on their experiences. (If you are looking for specific information, take a look at this hiking page . There you will find all the important information about our hiking infrastructure, all hiking tours, services and hiking events).

To the hiking information

Our tour portal

Discover the most beautiful hiking routes!

The Schmallenberg Sauerland and the vacation region Eslohe are absolute specialists when it comes to hiking: Diverse trails and exciting destinations offer a lot of fun while hiking and the quality infrastructure allows you to enjoy a stress-free active vacation. In addition, our tour portal helps you to discover the most beautiful hiking trails in the region. So you can take a deep breath, switch off, feel the sun, wind and weather and then stop for a bite to eat and enjoy some good food.

To our tour portal

Discovery made easy!

Our digital travel guide

All relevant information on your cell phone in one place - the perfect companion for your next hiking vacation.

Our digital travel guide gives you an overview of the most beautiful hiking trails in the region and also provides you with interesting excursion destinations, current events, cycle paths and accommodation. The travel guide provides you with all the information you need to make the most of your stay. You can also find out about all the important information and benefits of the Schmallenberger Sauerland Card.

To our digital travel guide

Culinary hikes

- with HeimatFreu(n)din Jenny Müller

There's never a dull moment with Jenny. Not only will she show you the country and its people, Sondern usually also has a delicious picnic in her luggage or takes you on mystical night hikes.

Whether during the day, at dusk or at night - Jenny loves being out and about and is happy to show you her favorite places in the Schmallenberg region. Sauerland. You can make fondue with her on the way or enjoy the view at sunset with a good glass of wine. If you are brave enough, you can hike with her and the astrophotographer Stefan up the Wilzenbergthe holy mountain of the Sauerland.

E-Mail: jennys@Sauerland -safari .de

Phone: 0151 40081414



Friendly meetings the Sauerländer way

Jenny is one of our HeimatFreu(n)den. These are people from the region who want to show you their very own Sauerland want to show you their very own. You can explore the surrounding area together on an exclusive, sociable hike or an exciting stalk. And while stargazing or in the herb kitchen, you can chat with the locals as if you've known each other forever. There are a few fixed dates for the encounters, which you can book online. To ensure that the meetings are personal and friendly Werden, a maximum of four people can register for each date. However, you can also request and book the HeimatFreu(n)de individually.

To the HeimatFreu(n)den

Hiking to the most beautiful spots of the locals

A blog report from Bevandert

The two bloggers from Bevandert spent a week with us in the region and met some of our HeimatFreu(n)de. Find out why it was an honor for them to meet Klaus-Peter and how they liked Nadine's nettle cake in the personal report by the two outdoor bloggers. There are also tips for motorhome pitches, recommendations for places to stop for refreshments and other excursion destinations to round off your vacation in the Schmallenberger Sauerland round off.

To the blog article by Bevandert

(PS: If you would like to join the two girls on a trip together, you can join them on a Dämmer-Schlemmer-Wanderung with them)


Hiking with the whole family

Educational trails & lots to discover

Parents can't give children a better gift than being out and about with them and discovering the wonders of nature together. Boredom never really sets in, as long as the children are allowed to set the pace when hiking and are given enough time to make their own discoveries to the left and right of the path. The educational paths and adventure trails in the Schmallenberg Sauerland and the vacation region Eslohe make exactly that possible. Exciting discoveries in nature, daring climbs or unusual sensory experiences are what make these tours so appealing. Hiking becomes a real adventure for families.

We have five practical tips for you to make your hike an experience for the whole family:

  • Large groups + lots of children = more fun hiking
  • Integrate games and tasks while hiking, e.g. with the explorer backpack
  • Plan frequent breaks with healthy snacks, drinks and even a little sweet stuff
  • Collect small souvenirs such as stones, leaves and pine cones (& make something from them at home)
  • Well thought-out tour planning with great stage destinations, such as playgrounds, wildlife enclosures or a stream:

Everything hikers could wish for

Hiker-friendly hosts

What feels particularly good after an extensive hiking tour? A hot shower. Falling into a soft bed. And then recharge your batteries with a delicious food and a cool drink. If you add that little bit extra, your hiking vacation becomes a relaxing break.

Our hiking-friendly accommodation has a shoe shine machine at the entrance, a drying room and, of course, hiking maps. A tasty snack or a delicious evening meal awaits you after your hiking tour. And your hosts will also have plenty of personal tips for you.

To the hiking accommodation

Hiking trips

Hiking without luggage on the Roothaarsteig, the Höhenflug and other excellent trails

Are you looking for a tailor-made hiking vacation? The Reisewelt team Sauerland is very familiar with the major long-distance hiking trails, multi-day and circular hiking trails in the Sauerland and Siegerland and has put together the most beautiful tours and hiking-friendly hosts in attractive packages - for your perfect hiking vacation.

To the hiking tours in our region

Why hiking in the rain is beautiful...

And what should be considered

When the clouds hang between the treetops, small rivulets bubble along the path as streams and the rain drips rhythmically onto your hood, you are far away from everyday life and alone with nature and your thoughts.

The mist makes the forests seem mystical and you can rediscover familiar paths. Take advantage of this quiet time to pause and let your thoughts wander. Look forward to this very special encounter with nature. And look forward to the warm shower in your hotel or vacation apartment - because it will feel like pure luxury. Why not give it a try!

Routes & tips for wild weather hiking

Wild weather = wild photos

A photographer reports

The blogger Wanderblende loves drizzle and fog when hiking because she can take particularly exciting nature photos in this weather. She visited us for a weekend and captured the Schmallenberg autumn in her pictures. In her blog, she writes about the most beautiful paths in our region and shows impressively why it is worth going into the forest even when the clouds are gray. Follow her example and go hiking like a photographer, even without a camera: just stop every now and then and look at the details along the way. You will perceive your surroundings in a completely different way.

To the wild weather photos

Hiking in the "off-season"

Tips from Fräulein Draußen

"From spring to fall to winter - and all in three (and a half) days! During my little hiking trip to Schmallenberg at the end of February Sauerland at the end of February, I experienced almost everything you can possibly experience in terms of weather. From warm spring sunshine to foggy and rainy forests to the snowy heights of the Rothaargebirge: every hiking day was beautiful in its own way," writes Fräulein Draußen in her blog article. There she presents some beautiful day hikes in our region, "all of which have their very own character and show the variety of hiking opportunities in the region. From wild forests to pretty half-timbered villages, from sweeping mountain ranges to hidden valleys."

On her plea to go hiking in the off-season too

Guided hikes and experiences...

For the curious, we have a ranger tour on offer, or a climate tour on the Kahler Asten. Those interested in art can go out with photographer Klaus-Peter Kappest and capture the special light of the region. And those with a sweet tooth can sample the treasures of nature on a herb hike. There is something for everyone on our guided hikes and experiences!

Fancy even more hiking inspiration?

We often present individual hiking trails on our social media channels. There are also a few great pictures and usually an insider tip about what is special about the trail or which detour is worth taking. You can also find hiking events and other hiking tips in our feed. So feel free to follow us and look forward to lots of (hiking) inspiration.

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The best of Schmallenberg & Eslohe

The magazine for guests and friends

Meet people in love with their homeland, exciting places and lots of inspiration for your next vacation in our region in our guest magazine. We will be happy to send you our latest guest magazine free of charge. So you can relax and browse through the stories and hosts and make plans:

Order your free copy

Dear guests!
We are happy to answer your questions about the Schmallenberger Sauerland and the vacation region Eslohe during our opening hours also via Whatsapp. With a click on the icon below right you are already one step closer to your relaxing vacation.